
Our Responsibilities

In recognition that the development of a Dynamic Dominica will be built on a foundation of sustainability and resilience, Government seeks to create a modern, stronger, more diverse economy with upgraded housing and infrastructure that ensures that our built environment is climate resilient. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) is charged with the responsibility of providing leadership in coordinating the construction of resilient housing across the communities in Dominica, augmenting urban centers, and supporting the improvement of existing housing stock to become compliant to national building standards, and facilitating major national development initiatives within the public and private sectors.


To become an efficient government agency responsible for the provision of affordable housing, development of urban centers, and the sustainable use of land resources that contributes to the socio-economic development of Dominica.


To facilitate development of a built environment for sustained economic growth through access to affordable resilient housing solutions, responsible land use and well-planned augmented urban centers that enhances the quality of life of the citizens of Dominica delivered with technically sound, effective, and efficient public services.

Our Functions

The mandate of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is governed by various legal instruments operating under the Revised Laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica; it is the machinery of government with responsibility for facilitating, coordinating, and monitoring activities in housing, urban development, and land use.  The Ministry is made up of five (5) functional units with the overall responsibility for implementing activities to attain set targets for building a resilient housing sector, to have well-managed land resources, and for the sustainable development of urban centers of Roseau and Portsmouth.


The Administrative Unit is responsible for the daily operations of the Ministry, overseas of the different divisions, undertake procurement of goods and services to carry out the functions of the ministry, plan and use financial resources in an efficient, economical and effective manner to avoid wastage and extravagance, and formulates, review, advise on and implement government policies.

Property Valuation Unit

provides the Government with advice on property and land values, and values investment projects undertaken by the Government. The unit coordinates inspections of the property and prepares valuation reports for compensation, insurance, and asset registry purposes.

Land and Survey Division

provides guidelines and policies on the acquisition, lease, letting, and sales of state lands and undertake acquisition of private land for development purposes. The division is responsible for surveys, land management, and mapping of Dominica.

Housing Division

The Housing Division is responsible for coordination of the resettlements, allocation and sale of government lots in various housing settlements, squatter regularization, home sanitation and renovation. The division coordinates the efforts and provide oversight for international organization support for housing and supervision of housing projects undertaken by local contractors and public-private partnerships.

Urban Development Commission

Operating from the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry has a joint custodial responsibility for facilitating activities associated with the revitalization of the city of Roseau and Portsmouth and other urban centers and works with the Commission to advance projects on housing, small business, beautification, community engagement, employment, urban agriculture, roads, pedestrian access, and parking.

Housing Recovery Project Implementation Unit

The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) was established in February 2019 for implementation of the Housing Recovery Project (HRP) with loan and grant funds from the World Bank. The HRP seeks to improve the resilience of the housing stock, encourage resilient building practices, and provide support to vulnerable households, building a platform that could be used for reconstruction or replacement of damaged homes throughout the country. Specifically, it will address deficiencies in the planning processes and impediments to the uptake of resilient building standards and best practices in Dominica.

Office Address

  • 1st Floor, Government Headquarters
  • housing@dominica.gov.dm
  • +1 (767) 266 3239

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